Sony has launched its new Smartwatches. Dubbed as Smartwatch 2, this device is a successor to the original Smartwatch by Sony. While we can’t be sure of the actual response to the first smartwatch by Sony, it must have been positive indeed for them to launch a new version of it.
First up, Sony Smartwatch 2 specs:
- 1.6” Screen with 220 x 176 resolution.
- Dust and water resistance.
- Bluetooth 3.0 and NFC.
According to Sony, this is an extension or a second screen to your smartphone. It is supposed to enhance the phone functionality and add a lot of new ways to interact with the phone. Some of its key features are:
- Handle your calls by a simple touch of your wrist
- Take a photo remotely from your SmartWatch, using a smart camera app
- Control your presentations remotely using Presentation Pal
- Taking a run or on the bike? Select a mapping app on SmartWatch to check your route with a quick glance at your wrist
- Read previously downloaded e-mails when not connected to your phone
- Use lifestyle apps like Runtastic to map and instantly track your fitness activities on the go
It is priced at €199 (roughly Rs. 18000) currently and is supposed to be available worldwide from September 2013. It is not clear if it will be launched in India at the same time or not.
One of the features which I find interesting is that according to Sony it has an amazing battery life. This will be one of the key features for wearable computing if it ever wishes to be successful.
Sony is not the only company interested in renovating the watches. In fact, almost all big companies from Samsung to Google to Apple are currently trying their own versions of smartwatch.
Even Qualcomm seems to be thinking about making a smartwatch. They had shown mock-ups of smartwatches based on their Mirasol display (It offers paper like readability and long battery life).
Sony of course seems to have beaten rest of the competition in launching the product. In my opinion, from September a test for wearable computing will begin.
What is your opinion? Has Sony created a product you want to buy?
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