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Smart NaMo: Smartphone By And For Narendra Modi Fans!

Now, this is a first for sure in India. Very soon, BJP’s potential Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi will get Android Smartphones named after him.
An independent body of individuals and businessmen who have smartphone manufacturing businesses in China are coming up with Android based smartphones that will be named “NAMO”.
The acronym is based upon the way Narendra Modi is popularly been referred to, especially in Social Media circles. On the other hand, NAMO also stands for “Next Generation Android Mobile Odyssey”, which probably is the real name for the association of these individuals and businesses.
The group have a website called www.SmartNamo.com which points to the fact that various handsets under “Namo” brand will soon be launched. And here is the message they have put up on their website.

We are fans of Shri, Narendra Modi, our forthcoming future leader of our great nation India, we are manufacturing latest android handset dedicated to the “IRONMAN” of modern India.
We are from land of Gujarat & in electronic smartphone business in China. NAMO stands for Narendra Modi and Next Generation Android Mobile Odyssey. Our product is our way of dedication & respect to our great nation leader.
We will be launching NAMO Android handset with Shri Narendra Modi “signature edition”, for which process in under way !!! We will launch our handset very soon
As far as the NAMO smartphones go, we presume they will come in various configurations including 1GB and 2GB Ram versions and storage space ranging from 16GB to 64 GB. They seem to be typical China manufactured 5 inch phones that are increasingly becoming popular in India and world over due to their cheap price tags.
While countries like China have various electronic gadgets like MP3 players and smartphones named after their leaders, Narendra Modi is the first leader in India to get a gadget named after him.
Yet another subject for media to talk about for next few days.. The buzz around Modi just does not die down…doesn’t it!


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