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Indian Independence Day Celebration To Broadcast Live On Youtube!

Prime Minister’s address to the nation on the Independence day is one of the most long standing and marquee occasions that millions of Indians look forward to every year. This address is generally telecasted live on Doordarshan and its sister channels.
Probably for the first time (I am not sure if it was done last year), it will be shown live on internet world over through Doordarshan’s Youtube channel. According to afaqs, national broadcaster Doordarshan has forged a partnership with Youtube for live streaming of 67th Indian Independence Day celebrations and PM’s address to the nation.

The Youtube live streaming will go live at 6:25 on August 15th, starting with Flag hoisting and will beam till the end of Independence day celebrations. Apart from this, users will also be able see clips of selected celebrations later. The live streaming will not have any sort of delay and will be beamed live up-to-the-second.
To watch the live stream, you can go to Doordarshan’s Official Youtube Channel.
The popularity of live streaming is only going to grow as internet penetration as well as speed are on the rise. With live streaming Indians living abroad can also have a glimpse of these important events. For Doordarshan, it also works out very well, as they get revenue from advertising that runs on these videos.
It is not the first time Doordarshan has partnered with Youtube to live stream the events. Earlier this year on January 26th, Youtube had live streamed republic day parade which received over 1 Lakh visitors. Recently, annual car festival at Jagannath Puri was also live streamed on Youtube.


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